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It is essential to thoroughly evaluate the technical aspects of a project to ensure that your financial investments are based on verified project data. 


Our team at MA Industrial Engineering can help you with the risk assessment of your project by assisting you with a detailed review of all the technical aspects of your project. Our technical experts can help you protect your potential investment  by identifying and mitigating risk. 


Our solution package includes:


  • Evaluation of the technical feasibility of a project

  • Analysis of productive systems

  • Equipment inspection

  • Equipment valuation, according Life Cycle Cost

  • Machinery valuations according to international guides (NIC 16)

  • Status of facilities that make up the company / industry

  • Review of local permits

  • Review of supplier selection and technical selection of contractors

  • Development and installation cost evaluation 

  • Operations Planning

  • Technical Due Diligence


Our local and industry experience covers a wide range of areas, being able to gather a team of experts with the specific experience for your project. Let us help you gather the necessary technical information, so that you can concentrate on core activities and decision making.


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